EDTA (ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid)
Chelation therapy is a treatment that involves the oral use of EDTA. It is used to treat acute and chronic lead poisoning by pulling toxins (including heavy metals such as lead, cadmium, and mercury) from the bloodstream. The word "chelate" comes from the Greek root chele, which means "to claw." EDTA has a claw-like molecular structure that binds to heavy metals and other toxins.
Background on EDTA
It was 1948 and factory workers at the local battery plant worked round the clock to manufacture lead acid batteries for military and civilian contracts.
Earning a little over 40 cents an hour, the plant workers were grateful to help our country recover from the war — and put food on the table for their growing families. But what these 240 men and women didn’t realize was they were about to make heart history.
After years of heavy metal exposure, many of the workers developed life-threatening cases of lead poisoning. Some received the bad news. They had just months — maybe a year to live. Others were more fortunate. They would lose their vision, hearing and the ability to control their bodily functions. Their organs — including their hearts and kidneys — would become damaged and eventually stop working…
But fortunately, a few forward-thinking doctors heard about their plight. Armed with research from Europe these doctors offered the workers hope for a full recovery.
It was a relatively new therapy known as “Intravenous (I.V.) chelation.” And it contained a “superstar” nutrient — a powerful, yet ultra-safe amino acid — called ethylenediamine tetra-acetic acid — or “E‑D‑T‑A” for short.
German scientists had first synthesized EDTA less than a decade earlier. The elements that made up this amino acid were similar to common household vinegar, yet EDTA had the amazing ability to chelate — or grab hold of — metals, minerals and chemical toxins in the bloodstream.
Once those metals were in its grasp, EDTA would dissolve the heavy metals, allowing them to be flushed out of the body through the urine and stool. What was once a death sentence for the factory workers proved to be a new lease on life.
EDTA chelation worked so well for these folks, the news quickly spread. Soon EDTA chelation was approved as a treatment of choice for heavy metal poisoning.
That’s why years later, when sailors working on military ships and government facilities were contaminated with lethal levels of lead, the U.S. Navy advocated the regular use of EDTA chelation therapy for all sailors exposed to lead.
Chelation therapy saved these factory workers and sailors from the clutches of death by lead poisoning…
EDTA chelation therapy removes calcium found in fatty plaques that block arteries, thus breaking up the plaques.
Chelation therapy may stimulate release of a hormone that in turn causes calcium to be removed from plaques or causes a lowering of cholesterol levels.
Chelation therapy may reduce the damaging effects of oxygen ions (oxidative stress) on the walls of the blood vessels, which could reduce inflammation in the arteries and improve blood vessel function.
As toxins are removed and circulatory systems are scrubbed clean, abundant supplies of life-giving blood begin surging through their bodies. Scores of dangerous, chronic, painful, and even deadly health problems simply vanish:
Blockages in the arteries feeding the heart and brain are dramatically reduced and in some cases eliminated
High cholesterol, homocysteine, and blood pressure—key risk factors for heart and brain problems, are reduced to normal levels.
Irregular heart beats and palpitations can be reduced and eliminated.
Angina and general chest pains are eased.
Edema (swelling of the lower legs and ankles), a symptom of congestive heart problems, can be alleviated.
Chronic shortness of breath is eased or eliminated.
Cold, numb, and painful extremities are warmed and soothed.
Varicose veins can fade or even vanish.
Sciatica and excruciating back pain are relieved.
Hearing loss due to calcium deposits in the ear can improve.
Age-related cognitive decline, memory loss, and fading mental powers can be halted or reversed.
The Chelation Miracle in Action:
Plaque Begins Clogging Your Arteries In Childhood.
By the time you reached age 10, roque calcium molecules—calcium deposited where it doesn't belong—began gluing fatty cholesterol deposits to the inner walls of your coronary arteries, forming plaque.
Clogged Arteries Can Trigger a Heart or Brain Disaster.
Each year since, your plaque deposits have grown larger, gradually starving your heart, brain cells and every other cell in your body, and setting you up for a serious health problem.
EDTA Blasts Away Plaque and Leaves Your Arteries Clean.
EDTA helps remove the calcium "glue" from the blockage... plaque is dissolved, leaving artery walls clean. The EDTA—along with the now-harmless calcium and cholesterol are excreted by the kidneys.

1,823 scientific studies have proven that EDTA is up to 82% effective at eliminating rogue calcium from plaque, causing clogs to soften, let go and be flushed away!
A healthier circulatory system is the secret to a healthier body
As millions of Americans and others around the world continue to use chelation therapy to remove toxic metals from their bodies and deadly plaque from their circulatory systems, something else is happening—something truly miraculous:
As toxins are removed... as circulatory systems are scrubbed clean... and as abundant supplies of life-giving blood begin surging through their bodies... both patients and doctors report that scores of dangerous, chronic, painful, and even deadly health problems simply vanish:
Blockages in the arteries feeding the heart and brain may be dramatically reduced and even eliminated...
High cholesterol, homocysteine, and blood pressure—key risk factors for heart and brain problems may be reduced to normal levels...
Irregular heart beats and palpitations can be reduced and eliminated...
Angina and general chest pains may be eased...
Edema (swelling of the lower legs and ankles)—a symptom of congestive heart problems—can be alleviated...
Chronic shortness of breath is eased or eliminated...
Cold, numb, and painful extremities can be warmed and soothed...
Paralysis due to heavy metals toxicity can be improved...
Infections due to a failing immune system may be less frequent or eliminated...
Enlarged prostates can shrink...
Varicose veins can fade or even vanish...
Insomnia can be replaced by deep, restful sleep...
Low energy may be replaced by deep wells of new energy...
Vision problems and "floaters" melt away, eyesight may improve...
Male impotence can be reversed...
Sciatica and excruciating back pain may be relieved...
Sexual sensation can intensify in both men and women...
Hearing loss due to calcium deposits in the ear can improve...
Age-related cognitive decline, memory loss, and fading mental powers can be halted or reversed...
Skin problems and ulcers can be erased...
And much, much more!