Without going too much into detail, I was hospitalised in November 2019 and spent a considerable amount of time in ICU due to complications after surgery. I was on a ventilator and in an induced coma for nearly three weeks. While in ICU I contracted the CRE superbug and was immediately placed into isolation. The hospital explained to me what the CRE was and that there is no effective treatment that could clear it up and that it could take up to 9 - 12 months to work out of my system. The CRE seriously compromises your immune system hence the need for strict isolation. The slightest bug or infection picked up from a person visiting could turn into a rampant infection and even lead to death. On discharge I was told that I was to remain housebound for at least 6 months before they could test for the virus again. To all of you who are complaining about the current lockdown, I have been in lockdown since December 2019. Basic instructions were the same as with Covid-19. There were hand sanitizers all over and I was restricted to the amount of people visiting me at home.
Since formulating Gravi-C Capsules a few years ago, I have taken them regularly as I know they promote a strong immune system. We have many medical professionals who prescribe Gravi-C daily for patients with immune problems and even cancer. Results achieved are excellent.
Colds and flu are not something that I struggled with. As long as I continued with my Gravi-C I stayed healthy. During my quarantine period I had a lot of spare time and did additional research on some of our products. The ingredient that caught my attention was the serrapeptase that is in our Serra-Fast Capsules. I read about 'biofilms' and how viruses can 'hide' behind them and wondered if the CRE was using the biofilm for its own advantage by hiding behind these biofilms. Read more about biofilms at https://www.dna-biopharm-sa.com/biofilms
I was intrigued with the research done on the Serra-Fast (Go to Serrapeptase Research) and I doubled the dose on both the Gravi-C and Serra-Fast. After just a short while I started feeling better. My energy levels definitely increased making recovery easier. Although the 6 month period (minimum time before you can be tested again) was not up yet, I had myself tested for CRE on the 2nd of April 2020. To my delight and everyone else's surprise the results came back negative. There was no way that the CRE could have cleared up in such a short time. I give full credit to the synergistic combination of Gravi-C and Serra-Fast Capsules.
I will keep on taking the Gravi-C and Serra-Fast to ensure that my immune system is strong so that I remain healthy.
For all of you who suffer from immune problems, try Gravi-C Capsules. Hundreds of people, including medical physicians, use it with great success. If you need antibiotics all the time, add the Serra-Fast Capsules. You have nothing to lose.
If you have any questions about CRE or any of the products mentioned, please contact me at lionel@dnabiopharm.net.
Take care
Lionel Crewe

CRE Virus

For more dtails on Gravi-C Capsules, please follow this link: https://www.dna-biopharm-sa.com/gravi-c
For more information on Serra-Fast Capsules, please follow this link:https://www.dna-biopharm-sa.com/serra-fast

Dr. Hans A. Nieper of Hanover, Germany was considered one of the world's most famous specialists in the fields of heart disease, cancer and multiple sclerosis. One of the areas in which Dr. Nieper felt serrapeptase offered great promise was as a natural healing to protect against heart disease. He devoted much of his time researching the effectiveness of serrapeptase for reversing the buildup of plaque in the arteries. Based on his research, he dubbed serrapeptase “the miracle enzyme.”

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Laboratory Results
In a world full of viruses and bacteria, some deadly and some not, I would like to share my experience with a virus called CRE which causes an estimated 13,100 infections in hospitalized patients, and 1,100 estimated deaths in the United States yearly. [Source: 2019 AR Threats Report].
CRE, which stands for carbapenem-resistant enterobacteriaceae, are strains of bacteria that are resistant to carbapenem, a class of antibiotics typically used as a last resort for treating severe infections when other antibiotics have failed. These organisms have been described as "nightmare bacteria" because they have become resistant to nearly all available antibiotics, making CRE infections extremely difficult to treat and potentially deadly.
CRE infections are on the rise in the United States and the rest of the world, especially among patients in hospitals, nursing homes and other medical facilities, but they are still a relatively rare occurrence. Even so, in its latest report on the top 18 antibiotic-resistant threats, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has categorized CRE as an "urgent" public-health threat in the United States, which is its highest level of concern.
About 9,300 health-care associated infections in the United States are caused by CRE each year, and almost 50 percent of hospital patients who develop bloodstream infections from CRE bacteria die from them, according to the CDC.
CRE infections are also a serious threat globally, and they have been designated as a critical-priority pathogen by the World Health Organization, meaning they pose the greatest threat to human health.
Enterobacteriaceae are a family of bacteria that include Klebsiella and E. coli, which are normally found in people's digestive tract, where they are usually harmless. But if these bacteria spread outside of the intestines into other areas of the body where they don't belong, such as the bloodstream, bladder, lungs or skin, they can cause bacterial infections, according to the CDC.
A class of broad-spectrum antibiotics called carbapenem may be used as a last resort to kill Enterobacteriaceae. But when antibiotics are overused, some Enterobacteriaceae bacteria have become resistant to most available antibiotics, resulting in CRE, according to the North Dakota Department of Health. Some types of CRE can produce enzymes called carbapenemases that can break apart carbapenem antibiotics and make them ineffective, according to the US Department of Health.
CRE are essentially "normal" bacteria that have acquired the ability to produce enzymes that work against most antibiotics, making these powerful drugs ineffective when fighting infections and no longer capable of killing the bacteria. These "superbugs" can spread and share their antibiotic-resistant qualities with healthy bacteria in the body, leading to hard-to-treat infections, according to the Mayo Clinic.
Risk factors for infection
CRE infections are likely transmitted when health-care professionals have direct contact with an infected person's bodily fluids, such as blood, drainage from a wound, urine, stool or phlegm, according to Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center. For example, a nurse may touch the wound of an infected patient, and then touch another patient, infecting the second patient with the bacteria.
The infections can also spread by touching medical equipment or a contaminated surface that has come in contact with the bacteria, such as a bed rail. CRE bacteria can live on surfaces for days, weeks and months. It is important to clean often with a disinfectant.
Healthy people generally are not at risk of becoming infected with CRE. The people most likely to get the infection are those with weakened immune systems who stay in health-care facilities. CRE also affects people who use urinary catheters (a tube in their bladder), intravenous catheters (in a vein) or ventilators (breathing machines), and those taking long-courses of certain antibiotics, according to the Mayo Clinic.
Most of the people who pick up CRE infections are patients in hospitals, nursing homes, and other types of health-care facilities, said John R. Palisano, a professor of biology at the University of the South in Sewanee, Tennessee. "They are exposed to carbapenem-resistant bacteria while they are on ventilators or after undergoing medical procedures involving catheters or endoscopes (a flexible tube that allows doctors to view the digestive tract), with medical instruments that were not properly cleaned and sterilized."
CRE can cause a variety of illnesses, depending on where the bacteria spread. These may include blood infections, wound infections, urinary tract infections and pneumonia, according to the CDC.
As a result, the symptoms of CRE can be different for each patient. "The symptoms of infection can vary depending on the organs (like the lungs or bladder) that are involved, but they usually include a high fever and chills," Palisano told Live Science.
Treatment options for CRE infections are extremely limited. Patients should be kept in isolation away from other patients and the nursing staff must take all necessary precautions to prevent cross contamination between patients.
Antibiotics that are currently used to treat CRE are polymyxins, aminoglycosides and fosfomycin but have been rarely used due to concerns about their effectiveness and toxicity.