What they are and how to get rid of them
According to National Geographic, parasites have killed more humans than all wars in history
Parasites are everywhere, and they affect billions of people worldwide. While some parasites cause little harm, others may cause severe damage to our health. Regardless, a parasite is a creature that lives at the expense of a host. In humans, parasites that live inside us use up our vitamins, proteins and other nutrients, depriving us of optimal nutrition. Not only do they steal nutrients from our body, they also eliminate waste inside us, releasing their toxic bacteria and viruses.
Parasitic infections, caused by intestinal helminths and protozoan parasites, are among the most prevalent infections in humans in developing countries. In developed countries, protozoan parasites more commonly cause gastrointestinal infections compared to helminths. Intestinal parasites cause a significant morbidity and mortality in endemic countries.
Helminths are worms with many cells. Nematodes (roundworms), cestodes (tapeworms), and trematodes (flatworms) are among the most common helminths that inhabit the human gut. Usually, helminths cannot multiply in the human body. Protozoan parasites that have only one cell can multiply inside the human body.
What are protozoa?
Protozoan parasites are microscopic, single-celled organisms. Protozoa can multiply in humans and transmit from one person to another. They can cause parasitic infectious diseases like malaria, giardia, and toxoplasmosis. The most important intestinal protozoan infections are amoebiasis (Entamoeba histolytica), giardiasis (Giardia lamblia), cryptosporidiosis (Cryptosporidium sp), cyclosporiasis (Cyclospora cayetanensis) and isosporiasis (Isospora belli).
Helminthic Parasites
There are four species of intestinal helminthic parasites, also known as geohelminths and soil-transmitted helminths: Ascaris lumbricoides (Roundworms) are parasites that need to live in the human body. These parasitic infections can cause diarrhoea and fever. Types of roundworms in humans include pinworms and ascariasis (as-kuh-RIE-uh-sis). Often, roundworm infections come from exposing yourself to poor sanitation and hygiene. Trichiuris trichiuria (whipworm), Ancylostoma duodenale, and Necator americanicus (hookworms or tapeworms that get into the body when someone eats or drinks something that's infected with a worm or its eggs. Once inside the body, the tapeworm head attaches to the inner wall of the intestines and feeds off the food being digested. Most people who have a tapeworm experience no symptoms and are unaware that they might be infected. But if symptoms do arise, they would include tiredness, abdominal pain, weight loss, and diarrhoea.). These infections are most prevalent in tropical and subtropical regions of the developing world where adequate water and sanitation facilities are lacking.
Symptoms of Parasitic Infection
If you have any of these symptoms, it is possible that parasites could be the cause: Constipation; diarrhoea; gas and bloating; irritable bowel syndrome; painful menstruation; anaemia; joint and muscle aches; cravings, especially sugar; skin conditions – mostly irritation/itching at nose, ears, eyes, anus – but also potentially rashes, hives, eczema; tumours; nervousness; sleep disorders; hyperactivity, anxiety; teeth grinding; chronic fatigue; fuzzy thinking; headaches; runny nose; allergies; blisters on lower lip inside mouth; loss of appetite; bad taste in the mouth; acne; fever; vomiting (may return several times a year); weight gain OR may have trouble gaining weight; food allergies; dark areas under eyes.
There are 3 products in the DNA Biopharm range that will help kill the worms and eggs and expel them before they can cause additional problems.
In the adult worm motility test, worms were completely immobilized within the first 6-8 hours of exposition to graviola extract. Phytochemical analysis indicated the presence of phenolic compounds in graviola (A. muricata) aqueous leaf extract is capable of killing both adult and larval worms. [see reference1]. Other ingredients are: Burdock and Magnolia which purges worms from the intestines.
1. Ferreira L., Castro P., Chagas A., França S., Beleboni R. In vitro anthelmintic activity of aqueous leaf extract of Annona muricata L.(Annonaceae) against Haemonchus contortus from sheep. Exp. Parasitol. 2013;134:327–332. doi: 10.1016/j.exppara.2013.03.032.
Annona muricata: Comprehensive Review on the Ethnomedicinal, Phytochemistry, and Pharmacological Aspects Focusing on Antidiabetic Properties.
Biofilm is a thick slimy mucous and can be unnoticed in the host. This creates an ideal environment for parasites to inhabit the intestines as they are almost impossible to diagnose, hiding in the deep layers of thick mucus and developing their egg and larvae in a safe environment.
Serra-Fast Capsules help the immune system to dissolve these biofilms. Serrapeptase drills through the biofilm membrane, disrupting it and leaving the parasite exposed. Serrapeptase is known to exhibit the property of modifying the adhesion molecules and thereby reducing the cell surface proteins. Due to its ability to disrupt biofilms, Serra-Fast can remove 88%-93% of bacterial biofilm and could be useful to treat biofilm-related infections caused by opportunistic bacterial pathogens.
DNA-DETOX Diatomaceous Earth
When ingested, diatomaceous earth works by cutting through the outer shell of large parasites like tapeworms and pinworms before they can attach to your intestinal lining. DNA-DETOX eliminates roundworms, whipworms, pinworms, and hookworms within 7 days of being consumed daily.
Diatomaceous earth looks like a cylinder/honeycomb full of holes that has a negative charge. As the millions of cylinders move through the stomach and digest tract, they attract and absorb bacteria, fungi, protozoa, viruses, endotoxins, pesticides, drug residues, E-coli and heavy metals. These pathogens are trapped inside the cylinder and passed out of the body. Part of the reason is because the bad bacteria has a positive charge and the good bacteria generally has a negative or neutral charge, as does diatomaceous earth.
In addition, any larger parasites that happen to be in the stomach or digestive tract are "cut up" and killed by the sharp edges of the Diatomaceous Earth. This de-burdening of the digestive system results in not only a healthier digestive system but a healthier body that's less prone to sickness.
Diatomaceous Earth passes through the small and large intestines where they "scrub" the walls. After only a few months of taking Diatomaceous Earth, the intestine wall is no longer coated with mucus and molds but clean and healthy

Graviola Extract, one of the main ingredients in Gravi-C has undergone years of clinical research which showed the effectiveness of the graviola extracts for the treatment of parasite and worm infestations. Studies revealed that graviola was 84.91% and 89.08% more effective in the egg hatch test (EHT) and larval motility test (LMT), respectively, than conventional treatments.
A biofilm colony secretes material that provides a structural matrix, similar to cement. These structures can adhere to surfaces such as the lining of the gastrointestinal tract, (The GI tract is an ideal environment for bacteria, fungi, and associated biofilms because of its huge surface area and constant influx of nutrients.
Diatomaceous earth — also known as diatomite — works like a natural detoxifying agent within the body, killing parasites and viruses that can contribute to illnesses while also helping to clean the blood. It is made up of fossilized remains of diatoms, tiny single celled algae.

